Budget Hotel Near Oxnard Airport
A small regional airport, Oxnard Airport (OXR) is open daily from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm and offers rental car service. Currently, no passenger flights operate out of Oxnard Airport and are classified as a non-hub commercial service airport. Located on the coastal edge of the 200 square miles Oxnard Plain, just a mile and half from the coastline, the airport is home for one full service fixed base operator providing services such as aircraft charters, aircraft maintenance, and pilot supplies. The airport also hosts several car rental agencies and shuttle van service to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Oxnard Airport is conveniently located just 1.5 miles from Oxnard’s business district and near several historic attractions like the Henry T. Oxnard Historic District, Heritage Square, Olivas Adobe, and the Ventura Pier. The Department of Airports is currently working on a series of projects aimed at maintaining existing facilities and services. Through these projects, the Oxnard Airport will continue to be a valuable asset to the County of Ventura and the surrounding community.